Labour Migration Media Competition
The deadline for the Global Media Competition is fast approaching, entries are accepted until 27 October 2017.
This year's competition has two categories and two themes. The categories are: media production (photo, video, audio, multimedia) and written articles. The two themes are:
a) labour migration
b) fair recruitment. We encourage journalists to send one or two pieces of their work to any of the above categories/themes.
We particularly encourage entries on fair recruitment.
This year's competition is held in collaboration with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Human Rights Watch, Solidarity Centre, International Federation of Journalism, Equal Times and Migrant Forum in Asia.
To apply to the competition, please fill in the online entry form?.
For more information please visit:…/news-st…/WCMS_566310/lang--en/index.htm and on face book:
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